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Understanding the Difference Between Technology and Innovation


cybernetoday.comTechnology and innovation are closely related, but they are also distinct concepts. The first concept is well-defined, but the term "technological innovation" has a more general meaning that varies widely across people and fields. The academic and business worlds have developed many different interpretations of the term. Listed below are some examples of the concepts that can be categorized under the category of technological innovation.

Discontinuity of technology

Discontinuity of technology and innovation is often the result of changes in technology and the way people use products. In some industries, these changes have created tremendous challenges for incumbent firms. For example, the video rental industry has been impacted by changes in how movies are delivered. As a result, companies such as Netflix and Blockbuster have gone out of business, while Amazon has come to dominate the book retailing industry. Some industries, such as the music industry, are also trying to adapt to the new technologies.

Discontinuities in technology create new value and create new markets. They disrupt the structure of existing industries, attracting new competitors and requiring established firms to adapt to the new technology. Moreover, these technologies are usually not part of the firm's core competency, so they have to be added to existing capabilities.

Several authors have explored the relationship between technology and innovation. Among them are Shenhar, A., Bannert, Dvir, and Shulman. These authors have also written about the role of the research university in the radical innovation of MNCs. Other authors include Peters, L. S., who has written a chapter on competitive strategy in emerging industries. Another article by Porter outlines the concept and research behind disruptive technologies.

In order to stay ahead of the curve, firms must develop critical technology in their business model. These technologies can be obtained through mergers and acquisitions, internal development, or through alliances. More companies are turning to alliances for acquiring new technologies during technological discontinuity. This choice is driven by the urgency of new technologies and the uncertain nature of industry. Product life-cycles are getting shorter, and increased customer expectations are placing increasing pressure on firms to stay up to date. As a result, rapid product introduction is a key determinant of success.

Disruptive technologies

Disruptive technologies and innovation are the products and services that disrupt an existing market. By disrupting an established market, these innovations create a new market and value network. Typically, these innovations enter the existing market at the bottom and reshape the market by dislodging established market leading firms, products, and alliances.

As a result, these new technologies and business models are transforming many industries. These technologies and business models are changing the way people shop, work, and study. The speed of technological innovation is causing significant change. However, it is important to distinguish between disruptive technologies and sustaining technologies. Some examples of disruptive technologies include mobile internet, advanced robotics, cloud computing, 3D printing, and renewable sources of electricity.

Disruptive innovation aims to make previously expensive and sophisticated products and services available to a wider consumer base. By making these products and services more affordable, it displaces established companies. These new technologies can be disruptive for the same target consumer, or they can improve existing products for a larger group of consumers. Disruptive innovation has also led to innovations in the music industry, such as music downloads.

Disruptive technologies and innovation are not only beneficial for startups, but they can also benefit established companies by changing the status quo. While established companies usually focus on incremental improvements, disruptive technologies can revolutionize an industry and create new market opportunities.

Artificial intelligence

AI is becoming more commonplace, and is already transforming various walks of life. For example, Cincinnati officials receive around 80,000 requests a year, and AI can prioritize them more effectively. It can also deal with large volumes of data, making it a more proactive option for city officials. This type of technology can make cities more efficient, but it also poses privacy risks. For this reason, governments and organizations need to consider the potential implications of artificial intelligence.

The promise of AI is enormous. A recent PriceWaterhouseCoopers study found that AI could boost the global economy by $15.7 trillion by 2030. The same study also found that AI-based technologies could increase the GDP of China by nearly $7 trillion. And in North America, it could increase GDP by $3.7 trillion. This is an increase of 14 percent.

AI can help businesses identify opportunities for future innovations by analyzing a large amount of information. It can also help managers to recognize truly exciting opportunities. The challenge is that AI solutions may be complex, and human involvement may not be completely replaced. This can make it difficult for firms to make the best decisions and move forward.

AI is becoming increasingly sophisticated, and many scientists worry that it will be used by evil humans for illegal purposes. While AI is a useful tool to boost human creativity, there is also a dark side. In the short term, AI can lead to massive job losses.


Blockchain technology is a new way to track transactions and store data. Its promise is to provide more security and privacy to users, as well as lower processing fees and fewer errors. However, it's not without its downsides. Read on for a look at how Blockchain can help businesses and individuals.

Blockchain is a system of computers that spreads operations over many computers, which means no central authority is needed to verify transactions. By eliminating this, consumers will be able to avoid fees associated with third-party verification. Additionally, blockchains can help establish a transparent ownership history. Smart contracts, a type of computer code, are also a great feature of the technology, and can facilitate contract agreements between two parties. These contracts automatically carry out the terms of an agreement once the conditions are met.

Although blockchain technology is still in its early stages, managers can leverage it to support innovation. Researchers have also found that managers with higher managerial discretion are more likely to utilize it for this purpose. However, little research has examined how managerial discretion impacts innovation quality. In order to address this issue, researchers are examining how managers can leverage this technology to support innovation in their firms.

Another important feature of blockchain technology is its speed. With the ability to transact faster than ever, blockchains can drastically cut the time it takes to process transactions. Unlike other systems, blockchains are not limited by business hours, and transactions can be completed within minutes.

Product innovation

Innovation occurs when an idea is implemented into a product, service, or process. Product innovation can take the form of a new product or service, or it can be a slight modification of an existing product. The former is less risky, while radical innovation refers to the creation of a completely new product or service that can completely change a market. Product innovation is important for companies because it helps gain a competitive advantage, expand market share, meet sustainability goals, and grow the business.

Product innovation is a complex process, no matter the industry. It is fraught with roadblocks, detours, and the fear of failure. The proliferation of digital channels and the growing demand for personalized products is pushing companies to think outside the box. These pressures, combined with a lack of information, can throw companies off their game.

Product innovation is a necessary component of sustaining competitiveness in today's world. However, few studies have explored the relationship between TIPs and product quality. To test this relationship, we used survey data from 201 innovative manufacturing firms in China. The results indicate that TIP positively influences attractive quality (AQ) and normal quality (NQ). Firm size moderates the effect between TIP and AQ.

Successful product innovation requires the definition of strategic arenas and the creation of an action plan. By defining the strategic arenas of the company, an organization can focus its resources on areas where it has an advantage. For example, a company may choose to focus on flat screens for LCD TVs. This approach allows it to marry its technical expertise with an adjacent market opportunity.

Information technology innovation

Information technology innovation has enabled companies to interact more efficiently with their employees, customers, and shareholders. By providing easy communication, IT has opened up the possibility for employees to come up with new ideas and improve processes. This enables employees to be more creative and make work easier. Furthermore, it facilitates peer reviews and enables new ideas to be tested.

In order to effectively implement a new idea, proper planning must be done. This includes securing resources, including key personnel, materials, office space, and training. The organization's culture must be receptive to the innovation before it can take root. In addition, it must be compatible with the organization's growth strategy.

A company's decision to adopt an IT innovation should be aligned with its objectives and strategy. For example, a company that is interested in tackling social issues may use open innovation. This process involves leveraging the expertise of external innovators to solve social problems. This approach is in keeping with the findings of Swanson & Ramiller (2004).

The latest innovations in IT are constantly evolving. Some examples of this include artificial intelligence, geotargeting, automation, and more. With these developments, we are seeing robots become smarter and thermostats and refrigerators become internet-connected. It is important for people in IT to stay on top of the latest innovations.


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